We train and help rural families make and maintain their own family water wells
by hand, with local materials


trained locals

They lead clubs of 10-15 Ethiopian farmers, who cooperatively use a locally-made WFA-style manual rig to drill a good, cased borehole at each member’s house.

They make and install the hand pumps.

The health need

Contaminated open water sources expose families to disease and untimely death — losses felt in every way possible.

Limited water limits washing of hands, bodies, dishes and clothes, resulting in stomach infection, skin disease, and fleas and scabies — suffering.

The practical need

Mothers’ and girls’ travel for cleaner water frustrates home tasks, income generation and schooling, resulting in labor without growth or security.

Absence of water for irrigation in the dry season inhibits prosperity.  This bleak reality oppresses minds and hearts.

A divine response

Jesus said that when the poor are thirsty, He is thirsty, and when they have a drink, He is relieved: He feels people’s needs, like a parent.  Therefore, He said, His people will be distinguished by their treatment of the needy (Matt 25:30-46).

A Trinity invitation

God’s love-borne desire is that we be near Him and like Him; His Gospel is that we can be, now and forever!  Abiding in Him, we get to be Christ and live the Gospel.

Jesus’ appearance on earth inaugurated the Kingdom of God, with signs of restoration in His wake: “Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.'” (Luke 10:9) In all aspects of life, this is what God is about.

A calling

We believe that we are called to this mission as a small piece of Jesus’ work.

We need partners in this mission to support us financially and in prayer.  We invite you to consider whether God might be moving you to do so.