I’m Rob Glahn; pictured here are my wife, Almaz, and our precious daughters, Sofia (10), Lisa (8) and Avia (4).

On the surface, Almaz and my stories were as different as possible.  However, we each were designed and shepherded by one God to discover together our greatest treasure in life: God, Himself.

Almaz and I met at a souvenir shop in Addis Ababa.  I had been in Ethiopia for a year and a half.  Almaz was the shop keeper — a keen, sincere and very pretty one.  I was searching for traditional Ethiopian crosses as gifts for some friends for Easter.  The crosses provided the conversation piece for our common interest in church, and we became immediate friends.  We were married 16 months later.



Almaz’ involvement with the project has been invaluable.  She always jumps in when there is need.


Above: Almaz (black jacket), leading a well club in the middle of the rain season!



Above: Almaz teaching a new crew how to do the wrench work



Things I love: my girls, theology and good coffee.  I am fortunate enough to love my work — its meaning, the time I get with rural Ethiopians and the creativity it requires.  My spare time is mainly devoted to my girls.



Below: our girls.  They are such a delight!  They’re great sisters, despite their differences, and they share everything from chocolate, to play dates, to princess costumes.  They are a sweet joy.