We train and contract Christian, rural Ethiopians to lead groups of neighbors in manually drilling a household water well for every group member, using the tools we make in-country.  The trained contractors clean the wells and install the pumps, which we also make in-country.



Our projects are legally registered by and implemented in partnership with the local non-profit, Ethiopia Addis Kidan Baptist Church Welfare and Development Association.  We have been carrying out WFA projects with them since 2014.

We work in Dawo Woreda of South-West Showa Zone in Oromia Region., and in Kambaata Zone, of SNNPR Region.



Over 700 wells have been made with our method in Ethiopia



grassroots mission

We have trained many Ethiopians in the various fields of this trade, including drilling boreholes, conditioning wells, installing pumps, maintaining pumps, and making pumps and drilling tools.  We now contract some of those we trained.




a new branch

In our South-West Showa project, we are expanding to help people more easily water gardens during the dry season with their own wells.  We aim to establish the technology in the local market.  We lend these machines to farmers for income generation and food security.


Farmers lack water to grow food during the dry season—half a year of income!  The result is generational poverty for many who might otherwise have worked to develop a freer future for their families.


Valuing Relationships

The personal and ongoing nature of our ministry affords us the opportunity to enjoy long-term relationships